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Thursday, September 30, 2010

Halo: Reach takes a dive bomb in Japan!

Well I thought this was rather interesting and worth sharing with my readers.

All of you know how well Halo: Reach did here in the US and in other places in the world, but unfortunately, that wasn't the case in Japan. In fact, ALL Xbox 360 titles have dropped off of the top 20 charts in Japan this past week.

Is this a coincidence? Is Japan cutting a deal with a certain other console creator? I mean, shit, they sold less than 50,000 copies in Japan! That's insane, considering the amount that sold within the first 24 hours in the US was over 200 million worth of copies!

I will be keeping a very close eye on this story.


  1. An entire country cuts a deal or makes a pact to sabotage the sales of one game? Ah idk about that. It is an interesting bit of information.

  2. maybe its because there was a lot of wii or ps3 games that came out in japan that took the heat from halo? idk, I played the first few halo games and everyone seemed like the same thing over again. I dont know why the series did so well. It doent have the best online or a good story. Oh well, I hope I dont start a flame war

  3. I believe it.
    Cuz the game sucks. lol.

  4. japenese are strange, dont worry about it bro

  5. Maybe it's a cultural thing, maybe 1st person shooters don't have the same appeal over there, who knows.

  6. thats freaky, its like north korea have taken over and are making everybody play tetris instead...

  7. XBOX was never big in Japan so i see nothing surprising here. It's a different gaming culture with different preferences.

  8. Interesting news, keep us informed, thanks!

  9. I really thought halo would do better in Japan land :(

  10. jeez that's so weird. seems like they would have been all over this

  11. It has always seemed Halo is more of an American game and never does as well (it seems) overseas.

  12. Just add a little girl and it will sell millions

  13. they enjoy cute monsters and giant robots

  14. Maybe the Japanese just don't like xbox.

    Or maybe the Japanese government won't allow its citizens to buy the game.
